Sekda Kuningan, Dian Rachmat Yanuar, Resmi Cuti Bersiap Bidik Kursi Bupati

by -109 Views – Dr H Dian Rachmat Yanuar MSi officially began his period of Leave Without State Responsibility (CLTN) as the Secretary of Kuningan District from August 1 to September 22, 2024.

The attitude of compliance with the rules shown by the Secretary is nothing but a form of seriousness in aiming for the position of Regent of Kuningan which is currently held by the Acting Regent Dr Drs H Raden Iip Hidajat MPd. This also answers various public questions regarding whether Dian will run for Regent in the Kuningan Regional Elections which will be held on November 27, 2024.

To start his political movement towards registration with the Election Commission, the extended family of Dian Rachmat Yanuar held a thanksgiving event at the Baraya Sport Center Building in Kuningan, behind Dua4 Coffee, Jalan RE Martadinata, Ciporang Village, Kuningan, on Thursday (1/8/2024).

The thanksgiving event and gathering were attended by hundreds of volunteers and community leaders in Kuningan. Also present were the officials of the Kuningan Golkar Party led by Chairman Ir H Asep Setia Mulyana.

Even the event was attended by several other Party Chairmen, including PPP DPC Chairman Dr H Toto Taufikurohman, Democratic Party DPC Chairman Drs H Lili Suherli MSi, Nasdem Party DPD Secretary Rudi O’ang Ramdani SPdI representing Chairman H Chartam Sulaiman ST MM. Also present were religious leaders, including PCNU Chairman Dr KH Aam Aminudin SHI MA and Chairman of the NU Council of Scholars KH Ubaidillah, as well as leaders of other organizations, NGOs, and community institutions.

Around 10.30 AM, chants of “Dian for Regent of Kuningan” echoed as Dian Rachmat Yanuar arrived at the location. This further signifies Dian’s seriousness in running as a candidate in the Kuningan Regional Election in 2024, which has been questioned by many.

Chairman of the Golkar Faction in the Kuningan DPRD, H Yudi Budiana SH, who also attended the event, gave a press statement. He expressed gratitude for the enthusiasm of the hundreds of volunteers and community leaders who attended the thanksgiving event. After the event, the next step is a political safari across different political parties.

“Starting tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we will visit political parties in Kuningan. So, after this (thanksgiving, red), we will immediately visit other parties with Mr. Dian,” said Yudi representing the Golkar Party, which will nominate Dian as a candidate for the Regent of Kuningan for the 2024-2029 period.

The day before at the end of July, Dian bid farewell to the Acting Regent of Kuningan Dr Drs H Raden Iip Hidajat MPd and led the morning assembly in the courtyard of the Kuningan Regent’s Hall. A touching moment was seen when Dian paid his respects to the Acting Regent, followed by handshakes with the heads of SKPD and officials within the Kuningan Regional Secretariat and ASN staff.